Saturday, January 9, 2010

YouTube Education

For anyone interested, there is free education videos area out there on YouTube.

A good friend of mine Phil H., turned me onto this. You can watch lectures from various universities on a broad range of topics.

For example:
There are some great physics lectures from Berkley and MIT


Blink by Malcom Gladwell

Blink was a Christmas present from my wife Kate. It was recommended by my good friend and mentor Chris O.

I thought this book was fabulous. The technique of making snap decisions and instant judgments is wonderfully explained in Blink. The cognitive research is very interesting, to say the least. There are lots of good short-story examples that help to understand the art form in many different scenarios/settings.

This is a great book to read for people in business or sales. I look forward to reading Malcom's other book, "The Tipping Point.


Many Lives, Many Masters

Many Lives, Many Masters by Brian Weiss, M.D.

"Many Lives, Many Masters" was a great read! If the accounts are true (which I believe they were), then there is a lot to think about with regard to life after death. Very neat stuff to think about! Dr. Weiss recounts the treatment of his patient Catherine, who is able to recall past live experiences and communicate with the "Master Minds". By undergoing hypnosis she was able to recollect all of these events and also recover from the anxieties that have been plaguing her. I think I read this book in record time (2 evenings), as it was impossible to put the book down once I picked it up. :)
