Saturday, September 26, 2009

The Art & Craft of Success - 10 Steps

"The Art & Craft of Success - 10 Steps" by Ostaro was a fascinating read. I was actually fortunate enough to meet Ostaro in person. Very exciting! :)

Ostaro is New York city's original astrologer and numerologist extraordinaire.

More info is available at:

This book is Ostaro's take on interpreting universal laws, reinforcing that positive thinking leads to positive results.

Ostaro proposes that where you are located physically, can aid in your level of success and provides a formula to help you move to a location where you would be most successful.

He then talks of man's unlimited potential and explains how we all have energy reservoirs that we can tap into, which can provide us with limitless energy. Given we know how to utilize our powers.

Flow charts, diagrams and models are provided to illustrate his various principles.

Very interesting concepts about vibrational energies and surrounding yourself with the right people, to move yourself closer to success and your goals.

"Our creative potential is unlimited, yet we insist on setting the limits to our success"

Ostaro also helps you to realize how you can materialize your desires and says, that if you believe you can succeed, you will.

Thanks Ostaro! This was a great read!


Please visit Ostaro's website to obtain his book.

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